How To Polish Shoes To A Mirror Shine – 9 steps +[Basics Tips]

Penned By Product Reviewer & Influencer

You’re reading now, How To Polish Shoes To A Mirror Shine

Do you have a pair of dress black shoes?

If you have then you just can’t seem to get the shine right on,

In this piece of information, we give you some tips and tricks on polishing shoes to a mirror shine using an easy 8-step process.

And how to make the shine last longer.

So whether your shoes are made from leather, suede shoes, or even vinyl, we’ve got you covered!

How To Polish Shoes To A Mirror Shine [Brief Guide]

Source: Youtube

Start by giving your shoes a good cleaning.

This will remove any dirt or debris that could potentially scratch the surface of your shoes when you start polishing them.

Once they’re clean, use a shoe brush to apply a thin layer of shoe polishing.

Be sure to use a color that matches your shoes.

After the shoe polishing has been applied, use a clean,

Soft cloth to buff your shoes until they have a nice shine.

You can also use a horsehair brush for this step if you prefer.

Apply a small amount of wax to your shoes and buff them again until you have a mirror-like shine.

If you don’t have the time or patience to polish your shoes by hand,

You can always use a shoe shining kit.

These kits usually come with everything you need to get a professional-looking shine at home,

And they’re relatively inexpensive.

Now that you know how to polish shoes to a mirror shine, you can keep your shoes looking their best all year long!

Just be sure to take care of them and give them a good cleaning regularly.

With a little bit of effort, you can have shoes that look like they came straight from the shoe store.

The Basics of a Mirror Shine

A mirror shine is the highest level of shoe polish and it’s what most people think of when they hear the word “polish.”

It’s also known as a spit shine because, to achieve this look, you need to use your saliva.

A mirror shine is so glossy that it reflects like a mirror, hence the name.

There are two ways to achieve a mirror shine: the military method and the civilian method.

The military method is how it’s done in, well, the military.

It’s a little more time-consuming, but it produces a higher quality shine.

The civilian method is how most people Polish and shine their shoes.

It’s quicker and easier, but the shine isn’t quite as good.

The Basics of a Mirror Shine

Tools Required how to polish shoes to a mirror shine

  • Shoe polish (black, brown, or neutral)
  • Cream polish (optional)
  • Soft cloths
  • Old toothbrush
  • Water
  • Spit (or water if you’re squeamish)

how to polish shoes to a mirror shine – Step By Step

Step 1 – Remove laces and insole

Before you start polishing your shoes, it is important to remove the laces and insole.

This will give you better access to the areas that need to be polished.

It will also prevent the polish from getting on the laces or insole.

If you are using a shoe tree, now is the time to remove them as well.

Step 2 – Remove dust from boots with a damp cloth

If your shoes are dusty, you’ll want to start by removing the dust with a damp cloth.

This will help the polish adhere better and give you a more even finish.

Step 3 – Apply Wax polish

Apply a thin layer of shoe polish with a soft cloth or brush.

Work the polish into the leather in small circular motions until the entire surface is covered.

Be sure to use a polish that matches the color of your shoes.

Once the polish is applied, you’ll want to let it dry for a few minutes before moving on to the next step.

Step 4 – Soak a Cotton ball in Vinegar

After you have allowed the polish to dry on your shoes for at least five minutes,

It is now time to move on to the next step,

Soaking a cotton ball in vinegar.

You will then want to take the soaked cotton ball and rub it all over the shoes in a circular motion.

The vinegar helps to remove any excess polish that may have been left on the shoes.

Step 5 – Apply a Second Coat of Polish

After you have removed the excess polish from the shoes with the vinegar,

You will then want to apply a second coat of polish.

You will want to be sure to use a different color polish for this second coat.

This helps to give the shoes a deeper and richer color.

Step 6 – Allow the Polish to Dry

After you have applied the second coat of polish,

You will want to allow it to dry for at least five minutes.

You may want to consider using a hairdryer on a low setting to help speed up the drying process.

Step 7 – Apply wet cotton on boots

Use a fresh and wet cotton ball to apply the shoe cream polish to your boots.

Make sure that you evenly distribute the product on the surface of your shoes.

Start from the toe and work your way up towards the laces.

Once you are done, allow the polish to dry for a few minutes before proceeding to the next step.

Step 8 – Heat front outsole to bring mirror shine on boots

Use a hairdryer or any other source of heat to slightly melt the shoe cream polish that you applied on your boots in the previous step.

This will help give your shoes a mirror-like shine.

Hold the hairdryer about six inches away from the surface of your shoes and move it back and forth until you see the polish slightly melting.

Once you are done, allow your shoes to cool down before proceeding to the next step.

Step 9 – Apply shoe wax to the shoes

The last step is to apply shoe wax to the shoes.

Apply the wax to the shoes with a brush and then buff it off with a cloth.

This will help to create a high shine on the surface of the shoe.

Now that you know how to polish shoes to a mirror shine,

You can put your best foot forward no matter where you go!

Just remember to take care of your shoes and they will take care of you.

How long does a mirror shine last?

How long does a mirror shine last

A mirror shine can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks,

Depending on how often you wear your shoes and how well you take care of them.

If you want your mirror to shine to the last longer,

Make sure to polish your shoes regularly and store them in a cool,

Dry place when not in use.

With proper care make sure to apply a thin layer of shoe wax every few weeks to help protect the shine.

With proper care, your shoes will look great for years to come!

Now that you know how to polish shoes to a mirror shine,

Put your best foot forward and show off your shiny shoes!

Shine your Shoes like a Pro – A Few Tips and Tricks

Before you start polishing your shoes,

You need to make sure that they are clean and free of any dirt or dust.

The best way to do this is to use a soft brush or cloth to wipe them down.

Once they are clean, you can start applying the polish.

choose a shoe polish

When it comes to choosing a shoe polish,

There are a few things to keep in mind.

You want to make sure that you choose a polish that matches the color of your shoes.

You want to make sure that the polish is appropriate for the type of leather your shoes are made from.

brush and apply the polish

Once you have chosen the right polish, it’s time to start applying it.

The best way to do this is to use a soft cloth or brush and apply the polish in small, circular motions.

Be sure to cover the entire surface of the shoe and pay special attention to any scuffed areas.

Let them dry

Once you have applied the polish, you need to let it dry for a few minutes before buffing it out.

To do this, you can use a soft cloth or brush.

Once you have buffed the polish out, your shoes should have a nice, mirror-like shine!

If you want your shoes to maintain their mirror-like shine,

You will need to re-polish them every few weeks.

With a little bit of care and attention, you can keep your shoes looking their best for years to come!

Best Way to Shine Boots

Boots are a little different than your typical shoes.

They’re made of tougher materials and usually have a higher shine.

Here’s how to get the best mirror shine on your boots:

Best Way to Shine Boots

What You’ll Need:

  1. Boot polish
  2. Shoe brush
  3. Buffing cloth


  1. Apply a generous amount of boot polish to your shoes using the shoe brush. Make sure to get into all the nooks and crannies.
  2. Buff your boots with a buffing cloth until you see a high shine.
  3. Finish by wiping down your boots with a clean, dry cloth.

There you have it!

With these simple steps, you can get a perfect mirror shine on your boots.

Just be sure to use the right products and take your time.

With a little effort, you’ll have shiny boots that look great and last for years to come.

How to Polish Shoes Without Polish

If your shoes are made of smooth leather,

You can get a pretty decent shine without using any polish at all.

All you need is a soft cloth and some water.

Dampen the cloth with water and wring it out until it’s only slightly damp.

Then, rub the cloth over your shoes in a circular motion until they start to shine.

If your shoes are made of suede or nubuck, you can use a slightly damp cloth to brush away any dirt or debris.

Once they’re clean, you can use a dry cloth to buff them until they shine.

The Best shoe matching color polish

When it comes to choosing the right color polish for your shoes,

It’s always best to match the color of the shoe as closely as possible.

If you can’t find an exact match, go for a shade that’s slightly lighter or darker than the shoe itself.

And if you’re not sure which color to choose, black is always a safe bet.

How to Shine or Polish Your Shoes at Home

How to Shine or Polish Your Shoes at Home

There are a few methods to shining your shoes at home without using any professional shoe polish.

One way is to use a little bit of Vaseline on a soft cloth and rub it into the leather in a circular motion.

You can also use baby wipes or even just a soft, damp cloth to clean and shine your shoes.

If you want to add a little extra protection to your shoes,

You can spray them with a light coat of hairspray. Let the shoes dry completely before wearing them.

Another way to get a mirror shine on your shoes is to use black tea.

Make a strong pot of tea and let it cool completely.

Dip a soft cloth into the tea and wring it out so that it’s damp but not dripping. Rub the cloth over the shoes in a circular motion and let them dry completely.

You can also use this method to shine your boots.

If you want to polish your shoes without using any shoe polish,

You can try using a little bit of olive oil on a soft cloth.

Rub the oil into the leather in a circular motion and let it sit for a few minutes before buffing it off with a clean cloth.

You can also use this method to shine your boots.

How To Shine Shoes Military Style

hine Shoes Military Style

There are a few different methods for shining shoes military style.

The most common is the “spit shine.”

This involves using your saliva to polish the shoe until it has a high shine.

Another option is to use shoe military polish or cream.

There are also various types of brushes that can be used, including a horsehair brush.

When shining shoes in military-style, it is important to start with a clean shoe.

Any dirt or debris on the shoe will create a dull finish.

It is also important to use a high-quality polish or cream.

The shine will not last very long.

To begin, apply a small amount of saliva or shoe polish to the toe of the shoe.

Work the polish into the leather with your finger in a circular motion.

Continue to add more saliva or polish as needed.

Once the entire shoe is covered, use a brush to work the polish into a lather.

Start at the toe and brush in a circular motion towards the heel.

Be sure to brush the sides and back of the shoe as well.

Rinse the brush frequently in water to avoid spreading the polish around too much.

Once the entire shoe is covered with a thin layer of polish, use a clean cloth to buff the shoe to a high shine.

Be sure to buff in a circular motion and to cover the entire shoe.

If you have any stubborn spots, you can use a toothbrush to work the polish into those areas.

When shining shoes military style, it is important to be patient and to take your time.

It may take several rounds of polishing to get the desired results.

However, the result will be a pair of shoes that look like they just came from the shoe store.

How to polish light brown leather shoes

How to polish light brown leather shoes

Assuming you want tips on polishing light brown leather shoes:

To polish light brown leather shoes, you will need:

  1. A can of shoe polish ( make sure it is the right color! )
  2. A shoe brush
  3. A clean, lint-free cloth
  4. Water


  • Begin by cleaning the shoes with a leather cleaner or saddle soap. This will remove any dirt and grime that has built upon the surface of the shoes.
  • Use a damp cloth to apply a small amount of brown shoe polish (Leather cream) to the shoes. Shoe care products polish into the leather in a circular motion.
  • Once the shoes are evenly polished, buff them with a dry cloth to bring out the shine.
  • Apply a leather conditioner to the shoes to help keep them soft and supple.

With just a little bit of care, your light brown shoe leather will stay looking great for many years to come.

how to mirror shine boots with kiwi polish

Assuming you want tips on mirror-shining boots with kiwi polish:

To mirror shine your boots with kiwi shoe polish, you will need:

  1. A can of Kiwi shoe polish
  2. A shoe brush
  3. A clean, lint-free cloth
  4. Water


  • Begin by cleaning the boots with a leather cleaner or saddle soap. This will remove any dirt and grime that has built upon the surface of the shoes.
  • Use a damp cloth to apply a small amount of kiwi polish to the shoes. Work the polish into the leather in a circular motion.
  • Once the boots are evenly polished, buff them with a dry cloth to bring out the shine.
  • Apply wax for more shine to the boots to help keep them soft and supple.

Bottom Line

Now that you know how to polish your shoes to a mirror shine,

Try it out for yourself and see how great your shoes will look!

Remember to be patient and take your time when doing this

So that you can get the best results possible.

With a little bit of effort, you will be able to achieve the perfect mirror shine on your shoes!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make my shoe mirror shine? 

There are several ways to achieve a mirror shine on your shoes. One way is to use a product called Kiwi Parade Gloss. This product can be found at most shoe stores and drugstores. To get a mirror shine is to use a dab of petroleum jelly. Apply the jelly to a clean, soft cloth, and then buff the shoes in a circular motion until you achieve the desired shine. When using petroleum jelly, be sure to buff the shoes with a clean, dry cloth afterward to remove any excess product.

Can you mirror shine the whole shoe?

Yes, you can mirror shine the entire shoe. It is important to note that a high gloss finish is more susceptible to scuffs and scratches. If you are looking for a more durable finish, you may want to consider a semi-gloss or matte finish.

How do you polish scratches out of glass?

You can remove scratches from glass by using a product called Windex. Clean the area around the scratch with a soft cloth. Apply Windex to the scratch and rub it in with your finger. Finally, rinse the area with clean water and dry it with a soft cloth. If the scratch is still visible, you may need to repeat these steps.

How can I polish my shoes without a brush?

If you do not have a shoe brush, you can use a clean, soft cloth to apply the polish. Work the polish into the leather in a circular motion. Once the shoes are evenly polished, buff them with a dry cloth to bring out the shine. Finally, apply a leather conditioner to the shoes to help keep them soft and supple.

Can you polish shoes too much?

Yes, you can polish your shoes too much. If you over-polish your shoes, you may end up with a build-up of polish on the surface of the leather. This can make your shoes look dull and can also cause them to become stiff and uncomfortable. When polishing your shoes, be sure to use a small amount of polish and buff the shoes thoroughly afterward.

What is the easiest way to polish shoes?

To polish the welt, heel, and any other neglected regions, use a toothbrush or a welt brush. Allow the polish to dry for approximately 10 minutes. Using quick side-to-side motions, buff the entire shoe with a horsehair buffing brush. A light sheen will begin to appear.

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Simpy Singh
I am a professional product reviewer and buyer's guide for online sites. I've been doing product reviews since my early teenage years. I started out reviewing books on Youtube, before moving on to other types of products such as makeup, clothing, shoes, and electronics. It is so much fun to give people honest feedback about the things they're thinking of buying! After graduating with a degree in Literature from university, I decided to move into this line of work full-time and never looked back.